The Power Combo: Why You Should Take Vitamin D3 and K2 Supplements
According to Yahoo Finance, the dietary supplements market is a $170 billion industry. Its popularity has a lot to do with the convenience supplements provide while ensuring the body gets everything it needs to remain healthy.
The challenge is that there are so many products out there, that it can be difficult to know where to start. Vitamin D3 and K2 are two examples of ones that often fly below the radar.
This article explores the many health advantages of vitamin D3 and K2. Keep reading to find out how adding them to your diet can promote overall health and stave off many adverse conditions.
What Is Vitamin D3?
Vitamin D3 is also known as cholecalciferol. It is a form of vitamin D produced in the skin as a response to sunlight.
There are several vitamin D3 sources. These include fatty fish like salmon and mackerel, as well as egg yolks, and liver.
While vitamin D3 deficiencies are somewhat common, there is such a thing as excess vitamin D3. This can cause weakness, nausea, or toxicity issues. So, getting the right amount of the supplements is essential.
What Are the Health Benefits of Vitamin D3?
Vitamin D3 plays a crucial role in maintaining various aspects of health. These include:
- Bone health
- Immune function
- Cardiovascular health
- Muscle strength
- Metabolic health
Bone Health
Vitamin D3 is best known for its impacts on bone health and for some good reasons. In the form of calcitriol, vitamin D3 helps regulate calcium and phosphorus in the body. This is essential for maintaining strong, healthy bones, including teeth.
Likewise, a deficiency in vitamin D3 can lead to bone disorders. Common ones include rickets in children and osteomalacia or osteoporosis in adults.
Immune Function
Vitamin D3 plays a major part in the body's immune response. It does so by modulating the activity of immune cells, including T cells and macrophages. These are responsible for identifying and responding to pathogens.
Having a balanced immune response has other benefits besides fending off infections. It prevents overactivity, which can lead to autoimmune diseases. Taking vitamin D3 can reduce this risk.
Cardiovascular Health
Vitamin D3 influences the renin-angiotensin system, which plays a central role in regulating blood pressure. As mentioned, vitamin D3 also has antiinflammation effects. This includes reducing inflammation in blood vessels, which can improve blood flow.
Ditamin D3 can improve the health of the endothelium, the thin layers of cells that line blood vessels. This can promote vascular function and help prevent arterial stiffness.
Muscle Strength
Vitamin D3 can help develop muscle strength and coordination. This relates to the ability of the body to absorb calcium, which muscles need to contract.
Vitamin D3 also influences the synthesis of muscle proteins. These are necessary for muscle repair and growth. Therefore, vitamin D3 can be extremely beneficial for building muscle mass.
Metabolic Health
There is also a link between vitamin D3 and insulin secretion and glucose metabolism. This means the vitamin can potentially reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes.
Vitamin D3 also can help regulate the storage and metabolism of fat. It does so by regulating the expression of genes involved in these processes. This can improve metabolism and aid in weight loss or maintenance.
What Is Vitamin K2?
Vitamin K2 is one of two forms of vitamin K. It is distinct from vitamin K1, or phylloquinone, which is found in green leafy vegetables like broccoli, kale, and spinach.
Vitamin K2, or menaquinone, is found in animal products and fermented foods. It is further divided into many different subtypes, ranging from menaquinone-4 to menaquinone-13. K2-rich foods include liver, egg yolks, and natto, a Japanese dish of fermented soybeans.
What Are the Health Benefits of Vitamin K2?
Vitamin K2 has many of the same health benefits as vitamin D3. These include:
- Bone and dental health
- Cardiovascular health
- Blood clotting regulation
Bone and Dental Health
There is a very specific role of Vitamin K2: the activation of osteocalcin. This is a protein produced by bone-forming cells known as osteoblasts.
Osteocalcin binds calcium to the bone matrix, which helps it mineralize and strengthen. Without vitamin K2, osteocalcin would remain inactive and unable to help integrate calcium into bones. This can lead to bone degeneration and an increased risk of fractures.
Osteocalcin also plays a big role in tooth mineralization. The protein strengthens enamel, which can lower the risks of tooth decay or other dental issues.
Cardiovascular Health
One of the primary roles of vitamin K2 in the body is activating matrix Gla-proteins (MGP), a strong inhibitor of vascular calcification. MGP binds to calcium and prevents it from being deposited in the walls of the arteries and other soft tissue.
Some studies suggest that vitamin K2 also has some anti-inflammatory properties. It can improve the endothelium layer of cells and the elasticity of blood vessels. This all can aid in cardiovascular health.
Blood Clotting Regulation
Vitamin K2 is essential for the synthesis and activation of various proteins needed for blood clotting. These include factors II, VII, IX, and X. Vitamin K2 converts these proteins into their active forms, which lets them participate in the clotting process.
Like vitamin D3, vitamin K2 also activates MGP. This plays a significant role in preventing excessive clot formation and vascular calcification.
Why Take Vitamin D3 and K2 Together?
Since they have so many overlapping health benefits, you may be wondering why someone would take both vitamin D3 and K2. The short answer is that each vitamin provides distinct functions.
Another important dynamic is that they can work together to have greater impacts than they would if acting individually. For instance, vitamin D3 helps increase calcium absorption, while vitamin K2 ensures that the calcium is properly used and not deposited in the arteries.
Find Vitamin D3 and K2 Supplements Today
Vitamin D3 and K2 are extremely important to maintaining overall health and combatting many negative health conditions. Ensure you get the appropriate amounts for optimal health.
Micro+ uses premium ingredients and leverages proprietary advanced formulation and production technologies to make nano-sized active ingredients for its supplements. This increases the absorption and effectiveness of supplements. Shop online and do not hesitate to contact us with any questions you might have about D3 and K2 dosage.